
IERSD automatic station

PI Basil Psiloglou
Participant National Observatory of Athens
Instrument picture

IERSD’s automatic station at Thissio site performs all necessary measurements of meteorological and actinometric parameters, including :

  1. air temperature and relative humidity (Rotronic sensor)

  2. atmospheric pressure at station’s height (Qualimetric sensor)

  3. wind direction and velocity at 10 meters height above the ground (Vector sensors)

  4. total and diffuse solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface at an horizontal plate (Eppley PSP pyranometers).

  5. Atmospheric precipitation (rain and/or snow)

  6. Atmospheric visibility (Campbell CS120) and cloud-coverage (EKO SFR-02) measurements

Instrument activity

Recent measurements

No measurements found.


The campaign is organized and funded through the ACTRIS, the European Research Infrastructure for the observation of Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace gases.