
FLEXPART smoke forecast

Automatically uploaded on 2016-02-01 09:00:04.

Start time Feb. 1, 2016, midnight
Stop time Feb. 2, 2016, midnight
Duration 1 day
Instrument FLEXPART smoke forecast
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Related graphs

Measurement graph

Graph 1: Smoke aerosol - flx.gif

Measurement graph

Graph 2: Transect locations - map001.png

Measurement graph

Graph 3: Lat/long along transect, horizontal - trans_hor.gif

Measurement graph

Graph 4: Lat/long along transect, vertical - trans_ver.gif

Logs & Measurements

FLEXPART smoke forecast logs

No logs found.

Parallel measurements

The campaign is organized and funded through the ACTRIS, the European Research Infrastructure for the observation of Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace gases.